CHARM会員総会2024 (6/1 14:00~) ご案内&参加お申込受付中!

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●医療者とHIV陽性者が一緒に学び議論する日本エイズ学会集会 2017年11月24〜26日
青木理恵子 (CHARM事務局)







当事者が語ることを聞くことから始まるHIV医療の原点は今もそこにありました。それこそがエイズ学会の素晴らしい宝物であると感じました。同時に当事者が語るときにはその当事者に関わる医療者やケア提供者も語ることが重要になってくるだろうと思いました。HIV感染症が長期療養の方向へ確実に向かう今、医療サービスを受ける受益者と提供者の開かれた対話が必要になってくると思います。最後に「ゲイメンズ コーラス」は素晴らしかったです。

●Healthcare Professionals and HIV-positive People Learned and Discussed Together in the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research: November 24 to 26, 2017
Rieko Aoki (CHARM)

The Japanese Society for AIDS Research is an academic society in medical field, but this unique society gives the opportunity for healthcare professionals, HIV-positive people, their supporters, and administrative officers to learn from each other. The chairman of the society meeting is one of the representatives in 3 fields; clinical research, clinical settings, and society, who are taking turns every year.

At this time, Mr. Ikushima of Place Tokyo, an organization that support HIV-positive people in the area, assumed the chairman of the society meeting and that made it clearer to show local activities and participation of HIV-positive people.
Meanwhile, local groups comprised of HIV-positive people have been experiencing difficulties to conduct activities so that we felt necessity of citizens’ groups in large cities cooperate with those local groups.

● Experience of Participating the 31st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research
Keiko Ichihashi (Japan Baptist School of Nursing)

I have been involved in Otasuke Sisters, which is a supporting program conducted by CHARM for individual HIV-positive person, and “Research regarding Accepting HIV-positive People in Community” which Ms. Teruko Enomoto is one of the researchers and myself a cooperating researcher. Motivated by my involvement in these projects, I participated the latest Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for AIDS Research for the first time in several years.
Program of the society meeting covered many different issues. Among the programs I participated, I’d like to introduce the sessions that were especially impressive to me.

First, I was impressed by the plenary session held in the first day. It was a presentation by Dr. Toshihiko Matsumoto of National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, “Drug Dependence is the Disease of Isolation – In an effort to build a society that patients can easily say they cannot stop taking drugs”. Dr. Matsumoto mentioned opposite meaning of “addiction” is “connection”. (For detail, please search “Outpatient ward for drug addiction”)

Next session I was impressed was the special program held in the third day, “Positive Talk”. In this session, several HIV-positive people talked about their recuperation effort and their life. Listening to their talk about how to deal with the disease and tips in recuperation was a good opportunity not only for peers but for healthcare professionals to think about the way of care.
There were various scenes that HIV-positive people talked about their illness, including the symposiums, “Looking at the Importance of Communication Again – True feeling of doctors and patients” and “Who Bears the Role of Dispelling Stigma?” together with the 7th World AIDS Day Memorial Service.

The origin of HIV medical care, which starts from listening to the patients who are in the middle of it, was existing there. I felt that was the great treasure of this society meeting. At the same time, I thought when HIV-positive people talk about their experiences, it becomes important for healthcare professionals and care givers who are involved in those patients to talk about the issue, too. Because it has become certain that HIV infection is now the disease requires extended care, it will be necessary for recipients and providers of medical service to have dialogues. Finally, I would like to mention Gay Men’s Chorus was fantastic.








Listening to the Thoughts of Female HIV-positive People from Foreign Countries
Kaori Ombadah

A program hosted by CHARM for female HIV-positive patients, “Activities for Women” had its 11th meeting in this fiscal year.  We add 2 to 3 newcomers every year and currently, around 20 women and their children participate this meeting to share their thoughts, laugh, cry, relax and have refreshing time together for 2 days.

Through this exchange meeting, CHARM focused on foreign national female HIV-positive people under the research about effectiveness of CBPR in international and multi-cultural social work represented by Jo Takeda, and shared research about specific needs and issues of foreign national female HIV-positive patients led by Teruko Enomoto, and conducted several group meetings to discuss the view of everyday life about what are those women’s problems in their recuperation in Japan, how they faced and overcame those problems, and what are the things they can get comfortable to be with.  There were some opinions specific to foreign nationals such as, “I thought HIV-positive equals death because in my country, poor people cannot get treatment and die,” and “My country doesn’t have the medical system like Japan and we don’t understand about the system to start with,” and “I am anxious about losing my residential status some day”.

I was especially impressed about the fact that many women want to go back to their countries after they find out their infection, but they eventually decided to stay in Japan to “survive” because there is the medical security system in Japan and every patient can evenly receive high level treatment.  They study the language, get job and find a place in the community to spend daily life.  I learned “surviving” does not mean just to continue your life but to continue with effort through these women.

CHARM put episodes of these female HIV-positive patients with foreign nationals in a booklet.  We made this booklet for medical workers, the first supporters of these women, to know these women are people who live in Japan before being HIV-positive patients as well as how they live and what problems they have so that they can make better communication at medical setting.  We strongly recommend you to take this booklet in your hand.  (For inquiry about the booklet, contact CHARM office)


















Black-Vinegar Soaked Soy Beans
Naoko Kishimoto

Let me introduce Black-vinegar soaked soy beans.
Black vinegar is inky-black vinegar, mainly made from unpolished rice or wheat. Its nutritional content as citric acid, amino acid, and its antioxidant effect, is believed to work for diet, and beatifying skin. Similar effect is expected from soy beans, from its nutritional content as vegetable protein, and soy isoflavone.

For my health, I make it my daily routine to eat a big spoon full of black-vinegar soaked soy beans (7-10 beans). It helps me wake up easily, even in a cold season like this. Black-vinegar soaked soy beans brings good wake up, and also a healthy body. The recipe is easy. Why don’t you also give it a try?

When choosing black-vinegar, please choose the ones you like, since some are sour, and some are mild. I prefer to choose the mild ones.

How to Make Black-Vinegar Soaked Soy Beans
1. Water-wash soy beans, and lightly roast them in a frying pan.
2. Put roasted soy beans into a container after removing its heat, and also pour black vinegar into it. (Recommend to sterilize container before usage.)
3. Leave it soak for approx. one and a half day. (Best to keep it in fridge afterwards.)
*Pour double amount of black vinegar, since soy beans will plump up.
*If you’d like to add kelp, water-wash it lightly and scoring it before soaking it into black vinegar. Wait and see for approx. 2 days, and add additional kelp if necessary.


平松 マリア






翻訳協力:Yamaguchi, Nishitani